To Jeff Fritz,

I really enjoyed your review of the Plinius Reference A-150 amp. I have had mine since November 19, 2019, and it made an immediate and material improvement to the sound of my system. It replaced PS Audio’s Stellar M700 mono amplifiers and, regardless of the difference in power on paper, the Plinius really added some grunt to my GoldenEar Triton Ones without sacrificing detail, with the added bonus of a sweet midrange.

It was somewhat of an aspirational purchase for me -- I’m a Kiwi and, like my father before me, I’d always wanted to own one of their amps. If my kids catch the music/hi-fi bug from me -- I’m doing my best! -- I can see this Plinius amp being something I’ll pass on in due course.

All the best,
Sean Clayton
New Zealand